A marketing funnel describes your customer’s journey with you.
From the initial stages when someone learns about your business, to the purchasing stage, marketing funnels map routes to conversion and beyond.
With careful analysis, a marketing funnel lets you know what your brand must do to influence consumers at certain stages. By evaluating your funnels, you can potentially drive greater sales, more loyalty and stronger brand awareness.
Awareness: Branded content strategies appeal to audiences and make them receptive to future interactions.
Consideration: Brand advocates and social proof assist customers when they’re comparing you against competitors.
Conversion: A simple purchasing process reduces the risk of buying.
Loyalty: A loyalty program with regular discounts, email interactions and social media maintains customers.
Advocacy: Receptive individuals in your loyalty program support your future marketing funnels.
The biggest benefit of marketing funnels is thier measurability. Your funnel shows you where you’re losing customers, to help you pivot your strategy. For instance, if you lose customers before they ever get to the second stage, you need a better brand awareness campaign.
So, is your business ready to be seen by more people? Contact Pink Cockatoo Marketing today to start maximising your return on investment when it comes to marketing.